+91 86103 01184   +91 90473 06910
Mon - Sat: 5:30AM - 9:30PM

Welcome to Our Online Classes!

Let's Get Fit Together in Home!

Online Class

Services Offered

Fitness Consultation

A one-on-one interactive session with one of our fitness professionals.

The consultation will assist our fitness specialists in understanding your fitness level and providing a good training programme that suits you and accelerates the process of achieving your goal.

Diet Counselling

Dietary habits are crucial in your fitness journey.

Dieting does not imply giving up all of your favourite foods and eating solely leafy greens. Don't be Worried! We will make your diet as enjoyable as possible. Receive free diet counselling, to find the ideal diet for you without giving up your favourite foods.

Online Workout Tutoring

Enjoy our 1-Hour Live Class with our Working Professionals.

The Session starts with Warming up, stretches, 45-mins Workout and ends with cooldown. Our Experienced Trainers will walk you through the process step by step every day until you reach your goal.


Your fitness is our goal!

Our staff will keep in touch with you to check your progress, results and follow properly. You are always welcome to contact our staff with questions.

Cardio Workout

Getting in a cardio workout a few times a week has health benefits your body will thanks you.

Aerobic exercise is recommended by the American Heart AssociationTrusted Source and by most doctors to people with, or at risk for, heart disease. That’s because exercise strengthens your heart and helps it more efficiently pump blood throughout the body.


CrossFit is a strength and conditioning workout that is made up of functional movement performed at a high intensity level.

CrossFit is a form of high-intensity interval training and comparable to other high-intensity exercises. CrossFit exercises increase VO2max, strength, endurance, and improves the body composition (e. g. lean body mass).

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Online Class Plans

Choose Your Plan

Plan 01

Online Group Training


* Fitness Consultation

* Diet Counselling

* Weekly Follow-Ups

Choose Plan 1
Plan 02

Online Personal Training


* One-On-One Training

* Personlized Workout Programs

* Fitness Consultation

* Diet Counselling

* Daily Follow-ups

* 24x7 Support

Choose Plan 2